Hringvangur received support from the following companies and organisations for its operation in 2024 through grants.
We thank them for their support!
Verkís is an engineering firm working within, among others, construction, transport and infrastructure, industry, and energy sectors. For 90 years, Verkís has been trusted to implement ideas and has, therefore, had the opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge and experience. As Verkís emphasizes implementing sustainability in all aspects of its operations, circular economy plays an important role in their projects.
The Housing and Construction Authority
The Housing and Construction Authority (HMS) has the role of protecting public life quality, assets and the environment by ensuring professional preparation for construction and active monitoring of quality and safety, thus contributing to a better supply of affordable housing, both for rent and for lease. They aim to assess future needs and estimate the supply of housing to contribute to greater stability in the housing market.
Grænni byggð
Green Building Council Iceland (Grænni byggð - GBCI) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) established in 2010 to encourage sustainable construction by inspiring and empowering people to work for the common goal of creating a healthy, sustainable built environment that promotes well-being for all. Currently, GBCI has around 60 members working towards their goal of making the building sector an active player in creating a more sustainable future and a healthier society.